sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

How does superate help students?

Superate has a very good logo it says "transforming lives Through education" and that is true because superate help students from public school, or who they dont have a lot of possibilities to continue study. ¡Superate! gives them the tools that they will need for getting a job, for helping their families and for transforming El Salvador, but the most important thing is that the students have been growing no only them but also people around them. with the help that ¡Superate! gives them, some of them get a scholarship to study in the university that they want, and in some cases with the help of the US Embassy in ¡Superate! gives differentes programas like:  English Access Microscholarship Program and Youth Ambassadors. 
Intercento ¡Superate! treasure

When the year start each center is with new students like me but three years ago; at the begiging  I did not know anything about english thus was very difficult for me to adapt, Also I remember that I cannot use a computer even turn on or off it, But with the patience of my teachers and the help that the gave me, now I can say that I have been learning a lot of thing but most of all ¡Superate! no only transforming my life, but also It changes my future. In evey moment of my life I will remember two quotes by Don Ricardo Sagrera who said:"raise the bar", "Walk the extra mile" .

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